Du interessierst Dich für Deinen Ruhepuls? Warum ist er so hoch, wie könntest Du ihn senken? Wir verraten es Dir. Informiere Dich kostenlos und unverbindlich, wie Du als Sportler mit Deinem Ruhepuls umgehen solltest.
Du interessierst Dich für Deinen Ruhepuls? Warum ist er so hoch, wie könntest Du ihn senken? Wir verraten es Dir. Informiere Dich kostenlos und unverbindlich, wie Du als Sportler mit Deinem Ruhepuls umgehen solltest.
"A low resting pulse increases the risk of violence, aggressive and antisocial behavior," said Antti Latvala from the University of Helsinki. This headline has it all and recently made it big in the media.
The background is supplied by a study of a Swedish research team. It shows amazing things. A lower resting pulse rate is significantly correlated with the tendency to violence and anti-social behaviour.
In the large-scaled long-term study, data of 710 264 men aged up to 35 years were analysed and evaluated. Young men with a low resting pulse rate were often convicted of a violent crime or other crimes (offenses).
A constant low level of arousal is unsatisfactory for the organism. It looks therefore after a stimulus sensation and finds it, perhaps, in anti-social behavior. In addition, the theory of fearlessness exists. Increasing heart rate is, among others, a sign of stress. If the pulse stays in a constant low range, it indicates that the organism has a certain fearlessness against external pulses.
Do we have to worry therefore about it ? Do we tend, just because we trained ourselves to have a low resting pulse rate, to be violent or behave anti-social?
Andrea Schwiebacher graduated at the Technical University of Munich and is certified sports instructor. She is now involved in training / health management. Part-time studying psychology in the main study.
"An avid athlete and trainer / therapist I deal daily with the most diverse aspects of the human body. The study psychology allows me gradually to gain a deeper insight into relationships and wholeness of the human being. Because you really never stop learning! "